How the Covid 19 has exposed racial disparities in health care

The death rate for black patients diagnosed with COVID-19 would be 10% lower if they received care in the same hospitals as white patients, according to a new Penn Medicine study adding to growing evidence of racial inequalities in U.S. health care

In the study published last month in JAMA Network Open, researchers examined Medicare data from more than 44,000 patients admitted to nearly 1,200 hospitals last year and found that the significantly higher death rate for black patients was eliminated. as they adjusted to the location of the hospital. .

Because patients often go to hospitals close to their homes, the study highlights the results of structural racism in utter relief: Low-performing hospitals, struggling to find adequate income and resources, are most often found in economically poor communities. disadvantaged.

“This is truly a story of racial segregation in homes that has plagued this country for a century,” said Dr. David Asch, lead author of the study and executive director of Penn Medicine’s Center for Healthcare Innovation. .

Asch, who is also a professor of health management at Wharton, spoke about the research with Wharton Business Daily on SiriusXM. (Listen to the podcast above). He said the results are not that surprising to medical professionals, because it is well known that the health care system is uneven. But consumers may be surprised to learn how deep the inequality is.

“This is truly a story of racial segregation in homes that has plagued this country for a century.” –David Ash

“Of course, a lot of people assume that the doctors, hospitals, and nurses are great, and when you go there, you get unified care. That’s the experience that people often have at, say, McDonald’s, who have worked very hard to provide a very consistent experience. You can walk into any McDonald’s and the fries will be uniformly excellent, “Asch said.” That’s not really the case with hospital care. ”

He even noted that the novelty of the coronavirus exacerbated the variance as hospitals had to move quickly to meet the challenge. Working to improve health care is the “relentless task” of professionals, legislators and insurers, she added. “But as medicine has advanced, that progress has been uneven in hospitals. Some hospitals have a harder time catching up with the best.”

An Unequal America

African Americans suffer from COVID-19 in greater numbers due to a wide variety of factors: access to care, lower income levels, occupations with a higher risk of exposure to the virus, and higher rates of hypertension, diabetes, and obesity.

Even those comorbidities “are probably products of long-term discrimination. It’s a pretty tangled web, but that tangled web in the middle reveals significant racial differences,” Asch said.

Asch noted from previous research that hospitals that serve the majority of the black population have worse outcomes for all of their patients, compared to hospitals that serve the majority of the white population. He said better public policies are needed to close the racial divide in the healthcare system, drawing an analogy to the way public education is funded: Most schools receive property tax revenue, so how much The richer the community, the higher the dollars to fund the schools. finances in that area.

“The same goes for health care,” Asch said. “We fund health care in an unusual patchwork, but mostly through insurers and if patients have commercial insurance, which pays better, or Medicaid, which often pays less than cost, or Medicare, which is at some point intermediate. That says a lot about the resources the hospital can develop and deploy for the community. ”

“The differential burden of COVID across the country will soon depend less on race and more on vaccination and, in turn, on political ideology.” – David Ash

The Next Chapter of COVID

In the progression of the pandemic, one statistic has remained: older patients and men have fared worse than younger patients and women, regardless of race. Vaccines and the best therapies have dramatically reduced the death rate from the disease.

As the pandemic enters its second year and the most dangerous Delta variant emerges as the dominant strain, the greatest threat to the progress already made comes from those who are unwilling to get vaccinated, Asch said. Current vaccines are effective against the Delta variant, according to experts.

Asch said there is no single story about COVID-19 in the US The vulnerability of any community depends on the level of vaccination.

“And that, frankly, has tragically become a political problem rather than a medical or public safety problem,” he said. Unvaccinated areas “can become powder magazines for contamination. I bet the differential burden of Covid across the country will soon depend less on racial issues and more on vaccination and, in turn, political ideology. ”

How To Improve Hemoglobin Level With Natural Iron Supplements?

How important hemoglobin is for human being comes next to knowing about hemoglobin. It is a protein that is found in the RBC (Red Blood Cell) that includes iron molecule. The most important function of the Hemoglobin is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body. Here the oxygen is exchanged with carbon dioxide and carried back to the lungs. The iron molecule in hemoglobin supports the red blood cells to maintain the normal shape. The natural iron supplements help to enhance the level of hemoglobin. So routine measurement of hemoglobin is very important.

A CBC or (Complete Blood Count) is one of the most frequent tests that the doctors suggest for the patient. An automated machine is used for the test. The blood sample is chemically examined to count the release of Hemoglobin from RBC (Red Blood Cell). Low count needs immediate intervention. Only the experts know how to improve hemoglobin level naturally to reach the normal level.

What does normal and high hemoglobin mean?

Low hemoglobin means when the limits can’t reach the lowest normal limit. It is true for both the sexes. Person with low hemoglobin commonly regarded as anemic. High hemoglobin, on the other hand high hemoglobin means, the measured level is above the highest point. There are some causes, such as, smoking, bone marrow disorder, inappropriate use of medicines, doping, living at high altititude etc. Whether you have high or low level of hemoglobin, natural iron supplements help you to overcome the situation promptly.

The best herbal supplement: Herboglobin capsules

The capsules come loaded with useful herbs that enhance the oxygen moving ability of the blood. Healthy cell reproduction depends on the best possible supply of oxygen. Herboglobin capsules improve this state and take back the healthy levels of hemoglobin in blood. These pills also work as harmless and effectual supplements for hemoglobin enhancer for people who are often use to get affected with anemia.

The ingredients of the capsules:

As natural iron supplements Herboglobin contains a number of herbs like Ashwagandha,Sudh Shilajit, Safed Musli, Kesar and Lauh Bhasma. The supplement is available in bio-available form and gets absorbed in the body very fast. Iron that is found in veggie foods is not available in bio-available form. So body can’t absorb it quickly. The rate of absorption becomes lower if people suffer from weakness in liver and problem of indigestion.

After consumption of Herboglobin capsules it becomes very easy to enhance hemoglobin in a very short time as it increases the content of iron immensely. Herboglobin pills are outstanding remedies to treat anemia taking place for any reason.

If you are worried about how to improve hemoglobin level, you can continue taking the capsules as long as you need as there is no side effect of the capsule. It not only brings back balance in level of hemoglobin, but also effective for those who are prone to suffer from it. Herboglobin capsules can be wonderful even if there is no workout or dietary regimen.


Take one or two Herboglobin capsules twice daily with milk or water after meals regularly for 3 to 4 months to attain good results.

Health is wealth. Be wealthy with fit and fine health. Be the first in your neighborhood to buy the natural iron supplements to have nice life ahead.

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